About Us

UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM is a Non-Profit Organization

UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM is a non-profit organization focused on community-based primary health services through a participatory approach and based on local potential, and collaborates with various parties in order to implement quality health services.

Organizational Structure

In terms of organizational structure, UPKM/CD Bethesda is one of the independent units under the coordination of YAKKUM (Christian Foundation for Public Health) as one of the largest health care foundations in Indonesia.

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In Service Since 1974


Hospital Without Walls

Through the concept of “Hospital Without Walls” UPKM/CD Bethesda YAKKUM bridges the problem of accessibility of underprivileged, vulnerable, isolated communities to health information and services, as well as efforts to realize health as the right of all people.


Screening TB1


PMT Balita Alor2

Petugas Kesehatan3(1)

Pemeriksaan Kusta(1)

Pemeriksaan Lab1

Kesehatan Lingkungan_16

Kelas Bumil5

Capacity Building_09(1)

Kader Malaka1



Advokasi Kesehatan_08
